Since 1993, Sikkim Democratic Front, the 'longest serving People Driven and successful Regional Political Organization in India’ has served the People of Sikkim.


To be the most trusted people-driven and highly efficient Regional Political Organization in Sikkim to serve the people's fundamental and time-to-time needs and rights.


To establish and practice "Ecological Democratic Socialism".

SDF 2.0

Sikkim Democratic Front 2.0 embodies a re-imagined approach to achieving our political objectives. This transition marks a significant milestone in our commitment to re-engineer our methodology while keeping our core values intact, all in pursuit of our Mission .


Sikkim Bachao Abhiyan

We are on a Mission to save Sikkim. It is to Re-Establish Democracy. A commitment to Innovation and Sustainability with a clear and true intent to 'Sikkim for Sikkimese First'.



ARTICLE 371F - Protection and Civic Participation

Good Governance and Accountability

Sustainable Development

Pawan Chamling's Ecological Democratic Socialism

The world has seen many political, cultural and religious changes with the passing time. After the political system started, many leaders have contributed many principles to the society for human development, justice and equality. The politics that has been going on until today has been giving more importance to the industrial sector and scientific technology for economic development.

Everyone knows that human society is suffering physical, mental and economic damage due to the use of chemical elements and excessive exploitation of nature in industrial development and modern technology. Apart from this, the economic policy which was set to strengthen the economy of the state through industrial developments has now become a puppet of the corporate world, ruling politicians and bureaucracy.

Political theorists before Pawan Chamling have failed to address the need of environment in politics. Their policies were mainly human centered and they have somehow failed to address the fact that human development is not possible without the support of nature and environment.

Pawan Chamling said that ‘’if all the animals and plants in the environment, insects and grasshoppers are not protected for human development, the life of the human world will end.’’

 It is known to the world that today, not only animals, but also many species of plants have disappeared from this world. In the environment, there is an intimate relationship between animals and birds, humans and plants, and since this relationship is what keeps this earth alive and functioning, it is his view that if a new revolutionary thought is not developed in politics, one day not only human society, but this earth itself will be in crisis.

Pawan Chamling’s theory of Ecological Democratic Socialism embraces not just humanity but every living creature right down to the tiniest microorganisms because they are also vitally significant in the grander scheme of life on earth. If life has to go on, they need justice too. Sustainable preservation of creation automatically includes the embracing of all life forms on earth.


Equity, Inclusion and Pluralism

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