SDF 2.0

Dear Valued People of Sikkim,

We are thrilled to share with you a momentous occasion in the journey of our political party – the successful upgradation from Sikkim Democratic Front (SDF) toSikkim Democratic Front (SDF) 2.0.

This transition marks a significant milestone in our commitment to re-engineer our methodology while keeping our core values intact, all in pursuit of our mission for a better Sikkim.As we reflect on our past, we acknowledge the contributions and achievements of SDF. It laid the foundation upon which we built our identity and garnered the trust of the people of Sikkim. However, in the ever-evolving landscape of politics and governance, it became imperative for us to adapt and innovate.Sikkim Democratic Front 2.0 embodies a re-imagined approach to achieving our political objectives, through meticulous introspection and consultation with the People of Sikkim. Our goal remains unwavering – to serve the people, which is aligned to our Leadership Philosophy -Janta Raj Ma Jantai Raja or the Servant Leadership.

Central to our transformation is the preservation of our core values.These values, rooted in the ethos of:

● ARTICLE 371F - Protection and Civic Participation

● Good Governance and Accountability

● Sustainable Development

● Equity, Inclusion and Pluralism

They serve as the bedrock of our identity and inspire us to strive for excellence in all our endeavors.As we embark on this new chapter, I extend my deepest gratitude to each and every one of you – our Valued People of Sikkim. Your unwavering belief in our vision fuels our determination and strengthens our resolve. Together, we will navigate the challenges ahead and seize the opportunities that lie on the horizon. In closing, let us embrace the spirit of Sikkim Democratic Front (SDF) 2.0 with enthusiasm and optimism. Let us continue to work tirelessly towards our shared goal of a prosperous and inclusive Sikkim, where every citizen thrives. The journey ahead may be arduous, but with unity and perseverance, we shall overcome.

Thank you for your unwavering support.

-Warm regards,TeamSikkim Democratic Front (SDF) 2.0